Archiving Policy

As Historical Research: Journal of History and Archaeology, we are committed to ensuring that our published content remains permanently accessible, preserved, and available for the benefit of future generations of scholars, researchers, and the general public. This document outlines our approach towards archiving.


Our policy applies to every material published under our banner, including, but not limited to, original research papers, review articles, editorials, letters, conference proceedings, and data sets.

Digital Archiving

2.1. At Historical Research: Journal of History and Archaeology, we use a digital archiving strategy to guarantee the long-term digital preservation and access to our published work. We perform regular and systematic backups of all our digital content, and these backups are stored securely in multiple, geographically diverse locations.

2.2. Our primary format for digital archives is PDF/A, an ISO-standardized version of the Portable Document Format (PDF) dedicated to the cause of archiving. We may also use other formats like XML for specific types of content.

Third-party Archiving and Preservation Agencies

We are affiliated with trustworthy third-party archiving agencies to ensure redundant, long-term availability of our content. Our partners in this endeavour include the likes of LOCKSS/CLOCKSS, Portico, or PubMed Central, chosen based on our specific needs and the area of focus

Self-Archiving Policy

Besides our own archiving efforts, authors published in Prismatic Horizons are allowed to self-archive their articles in their respective institutional or subject-based repositories immediately after publication. The final published version of the manuscript, complete with citation and DOI information, is the version that can be self-archived.


Being an open-access journal, all articles published by Historical Research: Journal of History and Archaeology will be freely accessible for reading, downloading, and sharing. This aligns with our commitment to the widest possible dissemination of scholarly research.

Content Withdrawal and Retraction

6.1. Articles may be retracted or withdrawn according to the guidelines put forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

6.2. In such instances, a note specifying the reason for retraction or withdrawal will replace the original content, which will still be accessible for reference purposes. Both the original content and the retraction note will be retained in our digital archives.

Updates to the Archiving Policy

Our archiving policy is subject to periodic reviews and updates to stay in line with evolving technology, legal requirements, or best practices in scholarly publishing.

Contact Information

For further information about our archiving policy, please feel free to reach out to us at

As Historical Research: Journal of History and Archaeology, we promise to uphold the integrity, permanence, and accessibility of the scholarly record, thereby making a substantial contribution to the global scientific knowledge base.